There's a future for this guy.
I personally don't think this is any more than an interactive movie but unfortunately I don't think this will receive much in the way of a good score anyway.
I think the animation was pretty good. A nice array of colours was used and everything was clearly labelled (no matter how simple it was). The good points are completely outweighed by the bad ones though. I won't go too much into it as it's only a small submission. Here's some tips for you in the future.
O Test your flash! I happened to notice that the buttons didn't function correctly.
O If you make another interactive movie, make a lot more choices, or even possibly decisions to a plot.
O Try to put as much effort in as you can so that you know you've done your best.
Too be honest, there's nothing to really be ashamed of for this short movie, but it's not necessarily the best you may have to offer as a flash artist. I think it speaks for itself at the end of the day so that's why I have attempted to compliment you as opposed to insult you with criticisms. All in all it's not a badly executed flash for your level of animation, the movement is actually very good. Keep flashing!
By the way, I'd just like to say something about the reviews. You guys that have reviewed it fairly and give this guy some good points and advice, good on you. Sadly, there are always appalling, pointless and desperately short reviews. Bow I'm not pointing fingers COUGH(dogstoenails)COUGH butI'd like to say the following things to him:
1. I don't see you contributing anything to the Newgrounds community (even if I haven't, I should hope through my usefully marked reviews that I encourage and make artists feel good about themselves).
2. You say you wanted to know what the purpose of the game is? Well he's a maturing artist and seeks opinion on his work, but may I add, what was the purpose of your review exactly?
3. If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all.