A good contribution
This flash was an excellent example of how anyone should contribute there movies on Madness day. What set this movie aside from the rest was the adaptation of the Madness characters to be something different but recognizable. The fast paced action throughout the movie added with the many angles that the animation took was brilliant. It gave a new definition to the meaning of Madness in the form of contributive originality.
The graphics were unfortunately pretty bare, including the scene layouts but they were undoubtedly Madness related nonetheless. With how rapid the movie progressed from scene to scene I don't really think the graphics were an issue but I would next time include a higher volume of frames to make the movement a little less jagged.
The music was very good, what was almost a calm drum 'n' bass song in sections became very frantic in others, which worked well with this movie. Unfortunately there were no sound effects which i feel in place may have been necessary. For example using gunshot and knife sound effects may have made the experience a little more thrilling.
Fun to watch? Very. I loved how quick the overall movie went, the scenes seem to roll from one to the next, which was excellent to watch. The violence and "gore" was also good in a "cartoony" way.
I'd like to offer some suggestions to how you could improve in the future, some of which may already have been mentioned:
O A higher amount of frames to make the animation run a lot smoother.
O Sound effects to match the violence within the movie.
O Make some of the main characters more identifiable, It got a bit confusing.
In spite of the suggestion I made this was a brilliant contribution. It certainly deserved to be part of Madness day and was a very original movie, especially with the character's new look. MY only suggestions are to improve the frame rate and use appropriate sound effects. Other than that it was just the right length and through no part of this movie did I get bored, you did a great job on maintaining the audience's attention. Well done guys.
I hope I've left you with something to reflect on, no offence meant.